Anon ID: 1ba27c You ask the right questions... Feb. 14, 2018, 8:02 a.m. No.373268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3339 >>4768 >>4671

My friend, my all, my child of light.

While I cannot answer for Q,

You ask the RIGHT questions.

Why was the movie "The Matrix" made?

Why was Jupiter ascending made?

To hide something, a truth?

Perhaps… only the "Wings" are incorrect?

How MUCH truth is embedded in these films…

Truth is best hidden in plain sight…

"Seek and ye shall find"

Be prepared, Wisdom is not for all… prepare yourself if delving into Wisdom…

Anon ID: 1ba27c You touch on SUPREME keys my ally... Feb. 14, 2018, 12:13 p.m. No.374999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5122 >>4291


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

You touch on red pills.

Red pills are the hardest to swallow.

We have discussed on other venues, the supreme importance of sigil magic hidden in movies.

We all can surmise, at this point, that Hollywood is run by the Cabal.

It is the supreme global engine of disinformation.

We have also perceived at this point, that many movies are made to hide certain truths in plain sight.

The symbolism in movies, buildings, sporting events, religious events, books, MSM, popular books and media ALL have MEANING.

Why does Q keep saying "Everything has meaning"?

The amount of truth you seek, is a matter of how high you want to climb the mountain of WISDOM.

Prepare yourself.

Prepare your soul.

Take shelter.

Take supplies.

Take allies… this climb we cannot ascend alone…

Anon ID: 1ba27c Prepare yourself for keys... should you perceive... Feb. 14, 2018, 12:56 p.m. No.375455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6321 >>6335 >>6340 >>6467 >>0297


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

Perceive this. Why has this thread been allowed to continue?

This thread touches on many difficult topics for most to perceive.

Many of my earlier posts were instantly deleted, because I touched on far too much too quickly.

This post may very well be deleted, but I certainly hope not.

It is important that those souls, who are truly prepared, may perceive certain truths.

Certain truths others may find devastating.

Only a fool claims himself to have all the answers.

I absolutely do NOT.

I may only have lateral insight others may not have perceived yet.

Do not ever take anyone's word as literal.

Take your time and do your own research.

I do not like giving opinions, I prefer to ask questions, such as Q.

Wisdom is a path of self discovery, not a path of accepting proclamations of others.

I would ask, do you feel programmed?

Do you feel like you're in a simulated matrix?

My opinion… I do NOT.

Life is pure. Life is comprised of LIGHT.

Does light have an innate intelligence?

Isn't light the building block of all matter?

Is light created from the same "Grand Creator" across this MULTIVERSE?

Can you perceive multiple universes?

Can you perceive multiple rules for each universe?

Can you perceive beings of pure LIGHT, and pure LIFE?

Can you perceive beings of pure DARKNESS, and pure DEATH?

What do you know of resonate frequencies?

What do you know of vibrations?

Why did Nikola Tesla perceive the supreme importance of resonate vibrations and frequencies?

Why were his notes stolen and hidden from mankind?

Can you perceive a being transcended above humanity?

Can you perceive SUPREME beings of pure LIGHT and pure DARKNESS?

What is infinity?

What is finity?

What is "Free Will"?

It's a choice, between light and darkness.

There is duality in ALL the MULTIVERSE.

Light cannot exist without darkness.

Darkness cannot exist without light.

If you can perceive the "Above" you can perceive many things.

Do you think our consciousness, our subconsciousness gives off resonate vibrations and frequencies?

Can you perceive certain entities can perceive these vibrations?

What would they do with them?

Isn't all matter, all energy and existence broken down into these basic sacred harmonic building blocks?

If you can perceive this, you can perceive the Infinite.

What is the significance of the Orion Constellation?

What is the significance of the "Confederation"…

Anon ID: 1ba27c Prepare yourself for keys... should you perceive them... Feb. 14, 2018, 2:28 p.m. No.376615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6638 >>7441 >>7445 >>0690


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

Have fear, but find clarity in fear.

I seek not to guide anyone down the garden path.

There are ENOUGH souls guiding others toward lies and deceit.

I however, must choose words VERY carefully.

There are SUPREME observers keeping an "Eye" on the situation.

I am no more or less plugged in than any other soul, I just choose to perceive all available knowledge from an outside standpoint.

I do not FULLY believe ANYTHING 100%.

Aristotle once said… "the mark of an educated mind, is one that can entertain a thought without accepting it"

Seek Aristotle, and you seek WISDOM.

Many souls are programmed to THINK they are in a simulated Matrix.

Only WISDOM can set you free.

Light IS the KEY!

Quantum physics binds ALL together.

What if… just what IF, I came up with theories that bound complexity theory, string theory, chaos theory, black hole algorithms, theoretical physics and quantum physics together in a unified theory that explained how our universe was expanding?

Would it be SHUT DOWN by all mainstream academia?

Would this cancel many other equations?

Much of the hard work of PhD's?


"The sum of our individual and collective abilities, is only governed by the speed of our individual and collective IMAGINATIONS".

Do not limit your imagination.

What if there were INFINITE universes all existing with their subjective atomic nuclei at slightly different resonate vibrations and frequencies?

What if there were INFINITE "you's and I's" existing?

How MANY questions would be raised?

You do not need psychedelics to perceive WISDOM.

There are equations missing from gravity and quantum theory… the resistance of the universal matrix we reside in.

Why has Tachyon theory been shut down by mainstream academia?

Does it CANCEL too many previous equations?

Does it answer TOO MANY unanswered questions?

Knowledge is POWER.


All matter resonates at specific frequencies.

All matter in the MULTIVERSE is fluid.

You should fear the experiments conducted at LHC CERN…

Why do you shiver when you pray? Could this have something to do with the PINEAL GLAND?

What is Dimethyltryptamine?

What does it do?

Are there fractures in the MULTIVERSE?

I believe that the ancients perceived certain beings as "Gods".

I perceive only ONE Infinite Grand Creator.

One that chooses FREE WILL above all else.

How about… a more "Galactic" Federation…


You have FAR more than you know… Children of LIGHT!


I will be forced to take a step back from these equations very soon. I have planted a seed… the seed must be nourished to grow. Too much LIGHT is never good for the equation of life… no one wants to feel they planted seeds of doubt…

Anon ID: 1ba27c Your pockets fill with SUPREME KEYS Feb. 14, 2018, 4:12 p.m. No.377760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6974 >>1998


My friend, my ally, my child of light!

YOUR perceptions WARM my soul.

Your mind, your mind alone can find the WISDOM you seek.

I seek only to guide souls toward a higher plane of existence, of evolution.

We reach the higher planes by collectively THINKING ourselves there.

Within this, you alone have answered many unanswered questions.

"Q" is a guide for us all, he guides us toward truth, the truth of the EVIL in the hearts of men. He wants you to be aware, but not DWELL. Do not forget, how often he mentions the LIGHT.

I… a mere solitary and humble soul… would entertain the notion of being a guide as well.

I seek only to guide ALL souls toward the infinite LIGHT. This is my SOLE/SOUL purpose.


I would humbly ask, that every soul perceiving this board, review my previous thread on page 3. "SpaceX Fake CGI Starman Stream" I would ask, that we keep these specific conversations to my thread. It was never my purpose to hijack a thread. Message me there, for I will return with Light in a short time.


With this statement, I take a step back from these equations. For a few days at least.


Perceive already, that there are multiple IP addresses on other threads already trying to derail certain discussions. Remember… keep an eye on those who "scream the loudest". The clowns are everywhere… The knowledge mentioned is not viable "Pre Flood" information… ask yourself why certain resistance is immediate? Is this only from touching on VERY sensitive topics?


Their reactions alone… should give you some wisdom. Remember, clowns invert wisdom. It's all around us!


  • Your friend

RaAnon ID: 1ba27c I am aware of which you speak, my ally. Feb. 15, 2018, 6:09 p.m. No.392059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6693


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

You touch on the "touchy".

Movies are indeed made to hide supreme truths in plain sight.

There are a line of movies, that I have mentioned in error in the past.

The Wisdom of the moderators, chose to delete my posts instantly.

There is reasoning behind this, which I at first didn't understand.

It has INDEED backfired on "them".



My friend, my ally, my child of light.

I know of the Confederation of which you speak.

I however, am just a regular guy.

I have sought depths of wisdom most aren't prepared for.

The depths, will touch on what you speak.

If one has an open "Eye" and "Mind", they can connect dots.

Certain dots… make supreme amounts of sense when connected…

There was a highly secret study conducted starting from the 1950's.

Strange broadcasts were received, far before 5:10pm 26 November 1977.

Aside from that, I will speak no more.

RaAnon ID: 1ba27c All points in space and TIME are connected... Feb. 16, 2018, 7:53 a.m. No.396854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9780 >>9782 >>0727


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

Why did the famous Ben Rich of Lockheed Martin's Skunkworks specifically confirm...

"All points in space and TIME are connected?"

You have so much more than you know...

RaAnon ID: 1ba27c The major drops are here... Feb. 18, 2018, 8:49 a.m. No.418411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8560


My friends, my allies, my children of LIGHT.

The major drops are now upon you. On this day.

Perceive my current thread.

I am condensing the information to that reference point.

May the divine LIGHT of the Multiverse SHINE UPON YOU ALL

RaAnon ID: 1ba27c The Secrets and Laws have been revealed Feb. 18, 2018, 11:21 a.m. No.419331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9378


My friends, my allies, my children of light.




Perceive my other thread, if you get a chance!

RaAnon ID: 1ba27c The Supreme Keys & Red Pills overflowith from my pockets... take them! Feb. 18, 2018, 11:51 a.m. No.419558   🗄️.is 🔗kun













My friends, my allies, my children of light.

Have a peek at these when time permits.

It may shed some new insight into our reality.


This may be a lot for most to handle.

The Red Pill, was not meant for all.

What matters, is you take what you will from it.

Bathe in the sunlight, do not dwell in darkness.

Do not believe 99% of what you hear from MSM.

Do not believe a word you hear from EM / Tesla / SpaceX.

It is up to YOU to share the word, if you find Wisdom in it!

For this is the LIGHT OF A NEW DAWN.


  • Your friend, a regular guy.

RaAnon ID: 1ba27c Q is Morpheus... who is Neo? Feb. 18, 2018, 12:07 p.m. No.419673   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My friends, my allies, my children of light!


The truth must be made clear, as it is obvious, is it not?


For if you haven't guessed it yet. Q is Morpheus.


The TRUE Neo has just been revealed. EM was programmed into your subconscious to make you think he was Neo. When in reality, he is the Anti-Christ.


Dwell not on the evil in the hearts of men… have some comfort, things are being done about it!

RaAnon ID: 1ba27c Wise perceptions from those who awaken Feb. 19, 2018, 7:46 a.m. No.430583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0741


My friend, my ally, my child of light.

Your perceptions are WISE.

There is a commonality shared upon every tactic the Cabal uses.

They subconsciously imprint certain falsehood realities into your mind, before they enact their plan.

This has been done since their inception.

It is their own evil and twisted way of telling us their plans before they do it. They think that somehow they can avoid karmic reaction from it.

Their overarching EVIL puppet masters have lied to them all.

The big banks and bloodlines of evil of this earth have funded every war on both sides since the dawn of time.

Antarctica was going to be used as the scapegoat to deliver new and advanced technologies.

It was going to be woven into the false "TD To the LIES academy".

It was going to be used, to explain the Secret Space Program (SSP).

Which indeed, is very real. It has been for quite some time.

You were being programmed for more lies.

We have stopped it.

You are all awakening...

Open the eyes of ALL around you!











