I have the shivers tons, and your ear noise sounds like mine. If one moar person tells me it's tinnitus. No. It's different. Sounds like …Cicadas tbh.
I know trying to scare people is a big shill tactic, I'm not trying to scare anyone. Had those new meters put in not long ago. It's about when the noise started. I thought I was hearing energy in the air. I'm still not convinced it's not. I hear and smell things that others don't always smell so strong. Sometimes it's really a drag to have, when something smells bad it's amplified, but on the bright side, good smells are amplified too.
The other night I complained of not sleeping well, which isn't unusual. I'd had nightmares waking me up every hour. Two others in the house experienced it as well.
Saved! My child, adult age has had her sleep paralysis going bonkers. She said she's woken to real visions of me killing an intruder, to a dog trying to chew off her arm off. I imagine it's scary for her, and wonder, will this help her as well? I'm trying to teach her meditation techniques. We both look like pandas.
Left ear sounds loudest tonight. Maybe I'm pissing off the people who need it. It's a positive thought about the bad talk ;)