Flash Gordon has been around and the original film (mini series) was released in 1934.
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_Gordon_(serial)
You can watch it on Youtube / hooktube here:
https:// hooktube.com/watch?v=Jc3n7sMHsnM
In the original version Flash is the son of a wealthy scientist. He plays Polo and is a gentleman. It's quite clear that Flash is Donald Trump and his father is in this time line his uncle John G. Trump. Dr. Zhirkov is obvously Tesla. They even have him in a lab with Tesla coils. As I said earlier, they were blatantly obvious in the past. There is a Prince Barin (Baron?). Just watch it and make your own mind up. You may want to fast forward the action sequences though as they are dire.
Pay attention to the Dr. Zhirkov/Tesla scenes where Zhirkov invents a death ray. Heals all kind of physical ailments with atomic rays. He communicates across time and space (which may explain why the film was made).
There is a scene where Dale (the love interest) is MK Ultra'd with a machine and then Flash is MK'd with drugs.
Also, when they visit the Hawkmen (I think that's the Secret Space Program) they are put to work feeding atoms into the atom furnace to keep the world afloat. Hmmm, nice allegory for the bondage of human kind there. Uranium 1. Cough. Trillions missing. Cough.
What else… Oh yes, it suggests that religion is a crock of shit. The religious ceremonies are all controlled by the priest behind the scenes and are just there to control the masses. The only God they swear on is the great God Tao. Tao from Taoism, Yin Yang although it has many representations but it symbolizes duality. One God. One Source. I Am, We Are. The Freemason Tao symbolizes Trinity with God.
So yeah… Tough pill to swallow. We are in a long planned Mockingbird scenario or Trump and Tesla were time travelers or got beyond the veil. Or both. It could be a positive Mockingbird project I suppose.
How am I doing by the way RaAnon? Getting any closer to the bottom of the rabbit hole?
I pray quite a lot now Anons. I still have faith in God. The Tao. The One God above all. It's impossible to personalize pure white light, energy and infinite possibilities but if I did I reckon God has a wicked sense of humor. The ultimate meme magician and shit poster -Meant as a compliment with infinite love, kindness and positive energy. I feel why these revelations came to us.
If you want to help me dig further I need to check the original comics.
https:// newspapercomicstripsblog.wordpress.com/2016/01/23/flash-gordon/
There are more up to date version of Flash Gordan as well online. I want to check out the 1970's animated series as well.
https:// hooktube.com/watch?v=f6YhSjRiVio