Hollywood, the media, and the cabal will never ever produce something that directly threatens their interests. They're not going to dump tens of millions of dollars into a franchise unless it somehow serves their agenda.
So what was the agenda behind the "The Matrix"? My theory is that the cabal anticipated a mass awakening and this movie was part of their attempt at controlling it. And to some extent, that strategy is working. We frame our experiences as "red pills" and "glitches in the Matrix." Then we have globalist clowns like Elon Musk and Neil DeGrasse Tyson trying to gaslight everyone into believing that we're living in a computer simulation, and many buy into the idea precisely because of pop culture like "The Matrix."
Would we experience these things differently if the film never existed and we didn't use this movie as a reference? Would we be more powerful if the film never existed and weren't hampered by its influence? What would you call a "glitch in the Matrix" experience if this movie never existed? I don't know. But what I do know is that my spiritual and truth-seeking experiences were poisoned by this film before I even got to experience them, and I'm admittedly resentful for it.