Anonymous ID: ecf05e Nov. 4, 2018, 4:38 p.m. No.3733574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3678

>>3733226 pb all

>>3733242 >>3733336


View graphic with keyboard controls and scroll. Several sections each interconnected with others.


Is it not like POTUS to turn a seeming disadvantage into an advantage? Create some from virtually nothing.


Taliban 5 released by Hussein Admin in exchange for BB who got himself into a v. dangerous situation and endangered fellows and country's sec. But, as Gen Flynn has stated, the US government put him (BB) in Afghanistan, in the first place.


The Five were guests at Hotel GTMO for more than a decade. Think of influence into which they had been submerged during that visit in the guest house. Also, consider an exchange that is two-way. These Five were politicians as much as warriors. Now, released, can they tilt?


POTUS has applied pressures on PAK and the IS has released influential Mullah coincidentally with Sec of State's appointment of US peace envoy. A Star Is Born. Predator. All during October. See graphic. Showtimes for Rallies and Showtime for peace talks also.


Taliban vs Taliban infighting has been occuring since POTUS election. Pak has defeated Pak Taliban, militarily, and proceeding along political lines now. Tentative. Same on border same on Afghan side of border in south and east. Also look to Iran's waning influence in north and west. Russia has stepped up in co-operation with USA. China trying to stay relevant in peace talks. China may upset the apple cart. See POTUS applying multi-pronged counter moves on China all day every day.


Lots here. Some of it hinted at in Q posts, yes. Much of it is just Anons nosing around based on Showtime decode.


More on the pic/map to come. Anons welcome to join the dig.


Q Post 128 (re-read entire thing, recommended).


Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.

What is a map?

Why is a map useful?

What is a legend?

Why is a legend useful?

What is a sequence?

Why is this relevant?

When does a map become a guide?

What is a keystone?

Everything stated is relevant.


Future provides past.

Map provides picture.

Picture provides 40,000ft. v.

40,000ft. v. is classified.

Why is a map useful?

Think direction.

Think full picture.

Who controls the narrative?

Why is this relevant?

Anonymous ID: ecf05e Nov. 4, 2018, 4:57 p.m. No.3733886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3938


>>3733352 reposting


Graphic updated, 4-NOV-2018


Sauces from dig:





Abdul Haq Wasiq AHW

Norullah Noori NN

Mohammad Fazl MF

Mohammad Nabi Omari MNO

Khairullah Khairkhwa KK



Bowe Bergdahl BB


Note initials. Moar on that later.





Abdul Haq Wasiq


Mohammad Fazl MF ISN 007 Mullah Mohammad Fazl


Mohammad Nabi Omari MNO ISN 832 Mohammad Nabi Omari


Khairullah Khairkhwa KK ISN 579 Khirullah Said Wali Khairkhwa


Norullah Noori NN ISN 006 Mullah Norullah Noori

ISN 006 No info at link (see pics)


Note descriptions of detainees. Time since release has been test of their bottle today. Nothing is guaranteed. All may be risked.


Moar from dig to come tonight.

Anonymous ID: ecf05e Nov. 4, 2018, 5 p.m. No.3733938   🗄️.is 🔗kun



View with right-click, new tab, scroll for details. Overall guide previously posted. Sequence significant. What does a map become a guide?


Allspeed Anons.