Dear Q and Team,
Can you pleeeeeaaaassseee ask POTUS to stump really hard for Jackie Walorski at the Ft. Wayne rally tomorrow night?? I'm VERY concerned with what I'm hearing from locals in district 2, that this Mel Hall guy is playing to the religious right. He was a "pastor", so he makes it sound like he's such a good guy–but then he's running on the Dem ticket??? Sooo many are falling for him, even though he said straight out that he supports a woman's "right to choose" (aka right to kill her child). I wasn't too worried at first, but the chatter is getting much stronger. PLEASE have POTUS talk her up big time!!!!
I wish I could go, but health issues prevent me. My little Q-lovin' heart will be there, though! God bless the Q Team and our awesome POTUS!!!