nobody gets to pick when they are born
nobody gets to pick their parents
nobody gets to pick their skin color
nobody gets to choose their looks
we are all in the same boat, but generations arrive at differing times -
sometimes stormy, sometimes calm
sometimes in middle of struggle, sometimes after
take note that whatever generation you are, there are always a very few at the top holding all the money
just a PSA…during the movie…
boomer with every other generation under my roof
we ARE all in this together, like it or not
no generation has it better than others; their burdens are all different due to timelines changing
this is just another divide tactic i refuse to adopt in my thinking
it's those at the top, with the money, that want us all fighting amongst each other
read history and apply logic - the pattern screams at you in short order
eggsellant Anon!
this is cabal and C_A controlling both the terror and the anti-terror ends of things.
this is the cabal controlling both ends to squeeze power and monsy out of the ret of us.
we all start the same way Anon…