We can't solve problems if we don't name them and understand them. No one is saying "all_ are ___," that's a strawman. We're calling out specific behaviors and noticeable patterns. "Unity" in name only is not a strength, it's a house of cards. And if it's sustained on the backs of a few while others ride coattails, it won't last. The age of sugar-coating shit is over, it nearly led us off a cliff. If our bonds aren't based on truth, about humbly facing our weaknesses and mistakes and trying to do better, we won't stand. Empty slogans are useless tricks of the Jew. The only thing that produces results is facing reality and tailoring your remedies to that reality. It is not unloving or divisive to criticize behaviors that interfere with our mission.
>I voted for red jews. If I have to, I'll fight and die and give all that I have for Israel
Good man. Now that's the kind of unity I can get behind. The Jews give us so much–in aid, in support for our traditional culture and arts, and especially by deferring positions of power to us in government, academia, media and finance, so that our people might enjoy the fruits of the societies we built. It's the least we can do to die again for them in another war.