might get nailed for impersenating a government agent or some such bullshit… Put the word Vanilla really small at the top of the word ICE and a small picture of Vanilla Ice on the front of the shirt then you are golden.
This is me… I tolerate his support of Israel grudgingly… I think there is more behind it though… Who was supposed to get that BILLION dollars to build a 1 story building in Jerusalem for the US embassy? I wonder if it was an Israeli company/person? Pretty likely it was. Trump did it nearly for free… Who LOST OUT ON THE BILLION? See my point? He is SAYING he is supporting them but I think he is not really all about it. It removes their power and makes it impossible for them to attack him publically. There is a MAGA hat in the fucking Holocaust museum in Germany for fucks sake.
I beat the bank! That is what he said
Maybe she is just a robot from Boston Dynamics… I mean, they fucking made Zuck… Why not KIllary?
Ya, She is doing this head shave thing because she probably got pounded on repeatedly by all the Jews in Hollyjew like Weinstein. It is likely just Jew repellent hairstyle.
uuh so far we have seen US troops arrive at the US border to defend it… Thats looking pretty dang good. NK is looking pretty dang good. Taxes need some work but looking BETTER. Looking forward to that super-majority. I wonder whats next? Oh! I know… Trump told us. We are going to create a NEW GOVERNMENT that is controlled by YOU, THE PEOPLE. Thats what.
checked, get some sleep and gosh she is cute.
look at those hands… what an absolute fucking pussy… Even my 115 lb wife could fucking tear this dude in half.
The German has the FISH?!!! oh shit wrong one.
I fucking love this shit… good post
get a goood ass shot of her.
I saw one of her a while back that looked pretty nice from the back… notblack so HUGE is not always better.
been following x22 since #700or so… It is pretty legit. Now Rogue Money is sketch as fuck sadly. I think they are being paid by CHINA to shit-talk Trumps crew and Qanon and promote China OBOR shit like CRayzeeee. SGTreport is pretty fucking good as well as Greg Hunter/USA Watchdog and Dave Janda who kinda came outta nowhere but has really good stuff. May subscribe to his site some time. Jim WIllie is a question mark to me still…
Jdif division shill
Fuuuckin' Checked! I hope those boys come home with a few sombreros as trophys for missing Deer season…