Definitely looks like Phx area.
I agree.
Its more work for the baker but it does show method without having anons not here at the time have to go back and look at the whole bread to see how it came about.
Ultimately unnecessary true but thorough.
Baker will add I’m sure.
I don’t even deserve to be in the notable tbh.
I just lived in phx at one point and recognize the landscaping and stucco coloring.
Great job anons.
We’d have to see a current pic from the same orientation to be 100% sure.
Sans that it’s as certain as can be.
Best Game series ever
Count the hands on the dash board.
Or see pic two posts down from yours
Spent more time playing it than I care to admit.
Especially at my age.
Brilliantly done with some interdasting red pills in it as well.
Well I probably shouldn’t have said ever.
Genre and era make that a tough call.
i can still remember getting the Atari 2600 for Christmas and there have been alot of great games since.
But AC 2-Odyssey is what I’ve been playing most recently. Sooo
I mean in BF I got to harpoon sharks….
I was a PS loyalist during the Halo early days. And PS was getting its ass kicked by XBox back then.
I did get a chance to play a little Halo and Gears of War. Both excellent series.
I think there is a lot of Halo mythology Im not aware of as well.
So many great games.
Resident Evil 4 and 5…
Im waiting patiently on Borderlands 3.
Heard Red Dead 2 is amazing…
God Bless frens and goodnite.
Big Week for Potus and Anons
IRL its a big week personally so if I dont see you fags for a few.
Much luv, respect and good feelz to you.