That is so nice of them to ferry Republicans to the polls.
Grab some friends and hang out all day. Someone can make coffee and food runs.
still sellin', ain't nobody buyin'
You don't even have to confront these creeps just make the call from the safety of our car. Tell the voter fraud people that you're scared or intimidated even if you're not, (you can be sure someone's grandma would be).
Voter Fraud FBI Hotlines
1-800-659-8726 ext 12381
Local offices: 304-346-2300
Voting Violations Complaints: 1-800-2533931 or 202-307-2767 (202-307-3961 for fax)
Well we and Trump appreciate our Israeli allies. You and take a long walk off a short pier. With you're retarded Jew conspiracy garbage.
Dude not every conspiracy is true just because it's a conspiracy. You got sucked in, let it go.