The Democrats are simply the useful idiots in this particular season. Before that it was the Bush admin – not Democrats , who were playing that role. The Deep State is agnostic about this red/blue sports team, “party” business, which, from their point of view, is just circuses for the public.
As people gradually see how the DS operates, the standard operating procedure, they will become more willing to accept all the other alternative realities that were similarly created and managed ( eg. the 911 , Iraq thing).
– Create an alternative reality
– use the media to brainwash the public
– use the intelligence agencies to provide any “evidence” as needed.
– use the banks to wash the huge amounts of money that often accompanies these shenanigans.
From the kind of vicious pushback we have seen against DJT, it should now be clear why no other POTUS has attempted to unmask the whole thing. This is’nt easy. It is not a simple crime. It is the operating system of the USA that DJT is attempting to remake. Give it time.