See what happens when you are not an anon? The disrespect is deserved because you broke the code. Your patterns became recognizable. Your use of thee same useless memes over and over ad infinitum. Now you want help and there is no one to help you. You did this to yourself. Lose the identity.
You are not as smart as you think you are. Can't even figure out how to make a yellow meme. Yet you claim it's AI? No it's takes an intelligent being to use the generator. It doesn't do it on it's own. Are you intelligent, a bot or a retard?
verizon, in dude
start a rumor about an arrest, then see how they react, who they call. It;s simple they are laying TRAPS.
Town hall call with DJT
can't upload call, mp3, any ideas people, tired here
over dude