Hard to believe I fell for the Net Neuteality zeitgeist from 4 years ago. Had no clue at the time that it was a red tape Trojan Horse designed to give our (at the time extraordinarily corrupt) unfettered control over web censorship, hence why big tech started ramping up the crackdown of conservative philosophy. We dodged a bullet, knowing what China's current technocracy is like.
A substantial one. Net neutrality was designed to put the internet under government control, allowing tech to monopolize ISPs and regulate content through lobbying. It's why in 2015 we saw such an explosion of leftist rhetoric and increased censoorship of conservative internet sources, with Goolag and Faggotbook leading the charge.
Zero's administration tried to justify it that "ISPs would throttle your services without it in place" when in reality that would be solved quite easily by antitrust actions, something the Trump administration are presently working on in the case of Amazon/Bezos like >>3740230 points out.
That they will not hear the case to try and reinstate it. Dead and gone, in other words.
Or… at least on a federal level. Some of the major liberal-controlled states are enacting their own NN policies from what I've been hearing recently. Undoubtedly they want to maintain a semblance of anti-conservative thoughtpolicing in blue hubs like Washington or Cali.
Funny considering our carbon emission rates post-Paris Agreement backdown have decreased by nearly 3% since 2016.
Natural gas infrastructure is leading the electricity production charge over the more pollution-heavy oil and coal. Likewise, oil and coal reserves are being invested into other sectors (like domestic steel. Bessemer process, anybody?)
Genuinely cannot wait. I can only imagine how many more hackneyed comparisons to Harry Potter/Star Wars/Handmaiden's Tale the libs and socialists will make after they realize they're not the majority.