Anonymous ID: 357b8a Nov. 5, 2018, 2:20 p.m. No.3745021   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'Pelosi making threats in DC


Just had lunch with a good family friend on leave from D.C. He is high ranking military at the Pentagon. Apparently Pelosi is making threats around D.C. that if the Dems win the majority and she takes Speaker of the House, the first order of business will be to cut 46 Billion from the Department of Defense. She wants to use that money for programs she supports (planned parenthood, slush funds, etc.) Pelosi has also said she wants a tax increase. I guess We the People haven't been padding her slush fund to her liking. She must want a bigger jet. She must not care about neutering our military and leaving our country vulnerable, again. The Pentagon has been having non-stop meetings about finding different programs to cut, just in case WE don't show up to vote and get this situation under control. The military is trying to find programs to cut that will cause the least damage should it be necessary.


Anyway, the Pentagon knows that if every conservative went out and voted, there would be no problem taking the house. But we all know that not everyone votes. People get complacent and think their vote won't matter. That is not true at all! We need every vote.


Also, the governorship of Georgia is a hot topic right now. White hats do not want Georgia slipping into the hands of Democrats (Soros backed Stacey Abrams).


I cannot stress enough to contact every person of voting age and remind them to vote tomorrow.


Q said the midterms were safe. To me that means they have the voter rigging stopped and will watch over the process to make sure it's done legally. We still need to pull this off with our numbers. BTW, the Pentagon knows all about us, the silent army, and they are relying on us to swarm the polls.