Anonymous ID: 31bcea Nov. 5, 2018, 8:07 p.m. No.3751784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1796 >>1798 >>1799 >>1802 >>1805 >>1812 >>1819 >>1863 >>2263 >>2317

Ex-Hillary Clinton aide to Trump: ‘You’re f–ked’


Former Hillary Clinton senior adviser Philippe Reines warned President Trump that he is “fucked” because of the 2018 midterms in which voters will “render judgment” on him. “It’s not you vs Obama. It’s not you vs Hillary,” Reines tweeted to Trump on Monday. “It’s you and your accidental two years vs America’s first 240 years. It’s the first time since Nov 8 2016 the entire nation will render judgement (sic) on you. You’re fucked.”


Trump, who defeated Clinton in November 2016, has been campaigning for Republican candidates at rallies across the U.S. He has said that the election will be a “referendum” on his presidency and Republicans. “In a certain way, I am on the ballot,” Trump said Monday during a phone call with thousands of supporters. “Whether we consider it or not, the press is very much considering it a referendum on me and us as a movement.”


Meanwhile, former President Barack Obama has also appeared at events for Democratic candidates, and said Monday that “the character of this country is on the ballot” on Tuesday. In order for Democrats to regain a majority in the House, they need a net gain of 23 seats in the election. In the upper chamber, Democrats need a net gain of two Senate seats to obtain a majority.


Reposted for visibility heel of last bread

Anonymous ID: 31bcea Nov. 5, 2018, 8:22 p.m. No.3752091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2329


Anon, the most beautiful moment for America and the World will be those who are finally accountable for their actions..We thought we heard the most beautiful song tonight…I believe the best is yet to come!