Hey Bitches,
Im usually a hard ass gangster motherfucker. It even says Bad Motherfucker on my wallet.
That Amazing Graze shit was badass.
Those weren't tears. I'm making nachos.
Hey Bitches,
Im usually a hard ass gangster motherfucker. It even says Bad Motherfucker on my wallet.
That Amazing Graze shit was badass.
Those weren't tears. I'm making nachos.
It was legit. Was listening and scrolling reading real time. It was posted not more than 20 seconds before they started singing.
Legit As Fuck
White Nationalist.
What the fuck. When did this start? Anyone have a vector when somebody assraped the word Nationalist when Prez Trump said this? This is bullshit. I've been waiting for years for someone with enough balls to finally say this and admit it's ok to be America first.
I want to know which bitch snuck in the word white.
Even though White is Tight.
That's besides the point.
Nationalist, and fucking proud of it.
Dig time. Who first lied and calls it White Nationalist.