As an Ozzie Anon who's entire family served in WWII, Korean, and the Vietnam wars let me say sorry and apologize for our government being such cabal sucking, British Monarch loving faggots. What the Turnbull government and Downer did during the 2016 campaign is disgusting and a national disgrace. Remember Trump knew about what Australia had done before this call (Australia didn't know Trump knew about the set up with GP in London)
My father owes his life to US attack helicopters who saved his platoon in one of the biggest battles Australia had in Vietnam, he came home a broken man and suffered all his life from that adventure which he gladly signed up for as a volunteer (–Balmoral ). He is red pilled and pissed.
Hopefully our UK and Canadian friends will push back against "them" and we can get to work on making the World Great Again.
Maybe this news will prompt a new referendum on the Monarchy or a Republic in Oz and Canada?
If you don't understand how and why there is such influence of the UK cabal on former British Empire territories you need to understand who controls 40% of the worlds wealth and how they hide money for some of the most evil/rich people and groups in the world.
Having the US put and end to blind trust businesses and offshore hidden investments would destroy this lock the city of London has on the global financial system and make things "fair".
Hopefully these revelations will awaken Ozzie's, the media is so for to the left it will take time, but expositing the government involved conspiracy to stop trump before and after the election might change that.
Good luck America, the world needs you back to being great.