So I'm watching this movie, made in 2012, The Campaign ironically here on Election Day. Starring King of the Cabal Will Ferrell. It's full of all your usual SNL jokes as expected, Literal directs correlation to whats going on right…About 1 hour 24 minutes in after Marty Huggins loses the election of course by 10,000 votes despite being up 10,000 votes in exit polls. Fade to the next scene, A Poll worker putting away a voting machine that is made by Motch Global, Motch Brothers correlate to the Koch Brothers through the movie. It's one more SNL type in your face, we are the Cabal and do shit the way we want to movie. Glad it was free, just watching to kill time until the action begins.
Oregon is voting on a law about Sanctuary Statehood. I watched this video on Twatter from Fox news. 17 seconds long…17! Don't think it's gonna pass.