Anonymous ID: 33c4e6 Nov. 6, 2018, 5:48 a.m. No.3756787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6879 >>6912

Dear Anons,


For the past 5 years I have been working on the general problem: from whence human suffering? It took me into the fields of human history spanning thousands of years, to the rising and falling of empires, into theological studies (Judaism/Christianity/Islam, Egyptian mythology, Greek mythology, Hindu mythology etc.) and want to present a finding:


The original biblical Hebrew is not just a "language", it is also "code". It is hard to describe the nature of this code (computer code must suffice), but it is extremely advanced and well beyond present (general) human comprehension. I'm not sure I can even say it is "human". If it is: these humans were far, far more advanced than we presently are.


Genesis 1:1



B'reshit bara Elohim et hashemayim ve'et ha'aretz

In the beginning created God the heavens and the earth.


The English translation transmits almost none of the actual meaning.


This string of characters, when wound along a chain, produces a model for a 3,10 torus field operating in perpetuity wherein "time" can move either forwards (and)/or backwards: but the thing is, time is actually moving in "both" directions at the same time, at every instant.


In other words, there are two "currents" of time: forward and backward. Both are happening simultaneously from the perspective of an "immortal" observer (one who is not bound to the forward direction: relating to karma), but a person in a state of death/decay only sees it going in one direction (linear time: 2016, 2017, 2018 etc.) because such people are, to borrow from Asian tradition, on a "wheel of becoming". This is the same as samsara: cycle of birth and death.


Things like hatred, pride, fear, anger, greed, envy, hostility, war, rape, murder, sexual lust/depravity (pedophilia, gender dysphoria, coveting of person) all move time in a "forward" direction, even though it is actually moving backwards. Time, essentially, is a big circle, and this circle is captured in Plato's 25920-year cycle. There is a high-point (12 500BCE) and a low-point (500CE).


If you observe the graphic, most of the letters are mirror images of themselves which are describing the bi-directional flow of time absent only a few factors whose base-3 values are mirrors of themselved (eg. vav=012 tav=210).


I'm not sure how this might be received, but according to Jesus in Greek mythology, the statement "the kingdom of heaven is within" is both factually and symbolically true.