Anonymous ID: ea4443 Nov. 6, 2018, 5:35 a.m. No.3756660   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There was a time when men and women were called to take up arms and actively defend our country and way of life. They did so knowing it was the right thing to do and kept God in their hearts. We now are called to defend our country once again, not from an external threat, but rather one that secretly invaded our country and subverted our traditional values from within. They say: Wrong is right, bad is good, God is dead and American exceptionalism is the root of all evil. Don’t fall for this attack. They are trying to enrich themselves while destroying everything we hold dear.


Vote. Vote Republican. Vote against socialist liars. This is a call to arms. Your vote is your shield and armor. The Battlefield is your local polling place. Vote RED!