The Illinois fuckery extends FAR beyond same day registration. Motor voter bullshit (they've deported illegals who have checked the box, I know it for a fact because I've seen the opinions and orders). Chicago shit with entire cemeteries voting Dem. Precincts in Chicago where they won't hand out ballots to Republicans. Could keep going. All kinds of fuckery. I pray many of those Illinois indictments are for Chicago Machine cocksuckers who have been running this state into the ground since before I was born.
Something got my "almonds" going and in another state that has same day registration. Couple weeks ago I got a text asking me to vote for the Dem candidate for AG in WI where I used to live. Two problems. One, it was addressed to my mom (our phone numbers are a digit apart). Second, she's listed as not registered as per WI Secretary of State and I was never registered there as I moved to Illinois before the first election in which I could vote. Conclusion is that they're trolling the former voter registration database, looking for phone numbers tied to formerly registered voters and then robo-texting them, even if it's the wrong number and in a totally different area code not within the borders of WI. It's a blatant TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) violation to robotext a number that has not consented to it. Considering suing the WI Dem Party and the candidates campaign for TCPA violations heh. It's a strict liability offense. File suit, they have no defense, they hand me $500 per violation up to $1500. Some FCC info on TCPA as applies to political campaigns here for Anons who are getting this same kind of unsolicited shit.