Anonymous ID: 3f2593 Nov. 6, 2018, 6:38 a.m. No.3757265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7728 >>7747

My father wants to end illegal immigration with this answer


By Donald Trump Jr., opinion contributor — 11/06/18 09:00 AM EST


President Trump has pledged to fix our broken immigration system, signaling his most decisive action yet: closing the “anchor baby” loophole.


There are an estimated 12 million illegal aliens in the United States. A study conducted by Yale University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has found it could even be as many as 22 million, with more arriving each day.


In 2014, there were 300,000 babies born to illegal aliens in the United States. This is 10 times as many as in the early 1980s, and twice as many as all the children born in the six states that comprise the New England region. In Los Angeles alone, illegal aliens give birth to more children than all of the citizens in South Carolina. About two-thirds of these births are paid for by taxpayers.


Meanwhile, unknown thousands of Chinese families are engaging in “birth tourism” by taking advantage of tourist visas, visiting “maternity hotels” in California and our Pacific territories to give birth, then heading right home with their newborn children. This is a practice that resulted in an estimated 60,000 births in 2014.


Absurdly, every one of these children is a United States citizen because the 14th Amendment, which has never been favorably ruled on by the Supreme Court, has been misinterpreted, making America one of the few countries in the world that guarantees citizenship to the children of illegal or nonresident aliens born within its borders.


As my father has astutely pointed out, the 14th Amendment was never intended to create an open opportunity for this instant citizenship racket. The citizenship clause was ratified in order to reverse the infamous Supreme Court ruling on Dred Scott and ensure that states could not deny citizenship to former slaves. It was decidedly not intended to allow illegal aliens and birth tourists to make a run around our immigration laws.


This accidental policy of universal birthright citizenship is one of the most powerful magnets driving lawless migration to the United States, fueling an ongoing human tragedy on our southern border and unsustainable obligations of the welfare state to a point of crisis.


The thousands of migrants, some of them violent criminals, in the caravans marching toward our border under foreign flags now are just the most recent, visible outgrowth of this phenomenon. These migrants have shot at and attacked Mexican police officers, even after being offered asylum in that country, and now they are headed here. Unless we do something, there will be more caravans next year and each year after that.


Many of these caravaners will have children after crossing the border, perhaps in the months or years that they spend waiting for a deportation hearing. All of those children will be United States citizens, making the chain migration problem even worse.

