Anonymous ID: 633e2c Nov. 6, 2018, 8:41 a.m. No.3758601   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Prop 1: State Housing Bonds




Californians already owe billions in debt for bonds, but have seen little accountability for the funds. Throwing money at the problem will not solve our affordable housing crisis. Moreover, this bond supports government-subsidized housing projects that come with costly strings attached.



Prop 2: State Housing Bonds




More housing bonds – this time with different window dressing added by sneaky politicians.



Prop 3: Water Bonds




What happened to the last multi-billion dollar worth of water bonds? None of the money was actually used for water projects to improve delivery of water for human consumption. Want a water fix? Don’t borrow, just change the crazy regulations that the environmentalists have imposed that has cut the water supply off.



Prop 4: Hospital Bonds




More borrowing, more debt when we can’t afford the existing state debt service. Plus these bonds come with costly strings attached – government mandated union wages.



Prop 5: Allow Property Owners to Transfer their Lower Property Tax Rates




A common-sense way to expand the benefits of Prop 13 protections – resulting in more affordable housing!



Prop 6: Gas Tax Repeal YES YES YES!


There are two simple reasons why we should vote Yes on Prop 6 to repeal the gas and car tax hikes: these unfair taxes cost you a lot more than you think! The care and gas tax hikes will cost the typical family of four $779.28 more per year in taxes and 2) it won’t fix our roads – this is a blank check tax hike that has already been diverted away from road repairs. Learn more at



Prop 7: Potential Change to Daylight Savings Time




While this measure won’t officially end daylight savings time, it allows a public process to do it in the future.



Prop 8: Kidney Dialysis Charges




A shameful union ploy to force healthcare workers into union membership they don’t want and can’t afford.



Prop 10: Rent Control




Rent control has a good sounding name, but this initiative will result in higher housing prices for all – particularly the low-income families who rent versus buy. Perfect example: San Francisco has some of the toughest rent control mandates on the books, but the highest housing prices. Rent control does the opposite of what proponents claim they are seeking. Want more affordable rents? Cut government regulation and build, build, build!



Prop 11: Ambulance Employee Compensation Reforms




Unions are trying to impose costly mandates and fees on our ambulance system at a time when patients can barely afford health coverage. Why should an ambulance ride cost $800 to $1000?Let’s enact some common-sense reforms with this initiative.



Prop 12: Restrictive Regulations on Farms Over Animal Confinement




We all love animals, but some groups are just too extreme and crazy on this topic. They hate any human consumption of meat. This initiative would impose overly-restrictive and costly mandates that YOU will end up paying for with your grocery bill.