This deplorable, gun-totin' beer drinkin' MAGAfag just
voted in a DEEPLY red state.
I emphasize DEEPLY red to tell you this:
First, I was standing in line between two
hardcore liberal retards, one dumb blonde
bitch and an old hag. Neither of whom had any
clue about the real world they live in. I tried to strike
up friendly conversation, until both of them HAD to
start bashing POTUS and virtue signalling about how
they weren't racist or bigoted or sexist or blah blah
terminal TDS. I stopped engaging and stood there
awkwardly the rest of the 40+ minutes in line. This
interaction put a very sour taste in my mouth but only
strengthened my resolve.
Then I saw the ballot.
When I was finally able to vote, to my absolute
(non) shock. Demonrat was the first choice
on the ballot. This would be fine if Republican
were even the second choice, but NOOO.
Republican was the SIXTH party choice listed
after a bunch of 'never heard of' fuckery
parties including Petition and United Citizens.
You would think, in a state that's been red as
fuck practically since the dawn of our Country,
'they' would at least have the common
decency to place Republican first or at very
least second. (Assuming Dems are
I'm just ready for all the blatant fuckery to be
over. People need to know 'most' of the truth,
(obviously not all, and not all at once) but I find
it absolutely disgusting that:
1.) I can't even have a basic conversation with
normies because they look at me like an alien
(space kind, not illegal) the second I try to
tell them that POTUS has done some really
amazing things for ALL AMERICANS.
2.) I'm ready for my family to stop thinking I'm
crazy when I try my hardest to redpill them with
irrefutable facts. I'm so exhausted of being lied to.
I'm more grieved that my fellow Americans
have been/are being lied to on such a colossal scale.
They deserve so much better. We all do.
This need to be over.
No more fake news.
No more fake polls.
No more violence.
No more FFs.
No more cabal.
No more censorship.
No more projection.
No more division.
No more fuckery.
Thank you POTUS, Q and Anons. It is your
unwavering faith and guidance that has led me
down the righteous path of enlightenment.
This movement has done more for me than I will
ever have words to express. However, you have
my commitment that I will continue to arm myself
with knowledge and fight the information war until
there is no war left to fight.
I am eternally grateful.
God Save the Q
God Bless America