People of all kinds will learn on how grotesque, inumane and unfairly Israel treats every one in their path to the benefit of the top mafia in the world, the Israeli mafia. And they will know how to solve the issue peacefuly and fairly in order to not harm nor allienate the non-criminal non-subversive jews who support the termination of all jewish GROUP power in the West.
This happens en-mass after the democratic party army of the Zionist Ocupation Government get crushed politically in the mid-term (due to the change in demographic vote patterns toward the republican party, the red tsunami) and legally after the mid-terms in consequence of the illegal and underhanded tactcs used by the dem party in what regards the nomination of SCOTUS Kava and vote fraud during the mid-terms. Add to that the crushing of the Soros machine, which the general public is getting primed for, if you notice the writing on the wall.