Anonymous ID: 3dfc66 Nov. 6, 2018, 2:31 p.m. No.3764005   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Army Major: "Not On The Agenda" – America’s Wars Are A Non-Factor In The Midterms


Mainstream media polls demonstrate that healthcare and immigration are the top concerns of both Democrat and Republican voters today; American militarism is hardly mentioned at all.


The United States military is actively fighting in seven Muslim-majority countries; and no one cares. As Americans go to the polls today in a ritual pretense of democracy, they will vote for one of the two major political parties on issues ranging from healthcare to immigration to the basic personality of President Donald Trump. The three mainstream networks – from "liberal" MSNBC to "conservative" Fox News – have reported on little else for the last several months. The whole charade is little more than politics-as-entertainment, like some popular sporting event in which the opposing sides wave the flag for the blue team or the red team.


For weeks now, my television, and yours, has been saturated with political commercials for and against local legislative candidates. Some are attack ads focused on corruption and the supposed left or right-wing extremism of the opposing candidate. Others center on taxes, healthcare, and the ostensible "hordes" of immigrants approaching the U.S. in a troublesome caravan. But none, I repeat, none, say a thing about American foreign policy, the nation’s ongoing wars, or the exploding, record defense budget. You see, in 2018, despite being engrossed in the longest war in US history, the citizenry – both on Main Street and Wall Street – display nothing but apathy on the subject of America’s clearly faltering foreign policy.


The reasons are fairly simple: while the populace reflexively (over) adulates our "heroes" in uniform, it has been programmed to ignore the actual travails of our troopers. So long as there is no conscription of Americans’ sons and daughters, and so long as taxes don’t rise (we simply put our wars on the national credit card), the people are quite content to allow less than 1% of the population fight the nation’s failing wars – with no questions asked. Both mainstream wings of the Republicans and Democrats like it that way. They practice the politics of distraction and go on tacitly supporting one indecisive intervention after another, all the while basking in the embarrassment of riches bestowed upon them by the corporate military industrial complex. Everyone wins, except, that is, the soldiers doing multiple tours of combat duty, and – dare I say – the people of the Greater Middle East, who live in an utterly destabilized nightmare of a region.

Anonymous ID: 3dfc66 Nov. 6, 2018, 2:33 p.m. No.3764036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4046 >>4061 >>4100





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Anonymous ID: 3dfc66 Nov. 6, 2018, 2:35 p.m. No.3764087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4102 >>4104



Project Veritas


Non-Citizens Voting in Texas? "We got TONS of them" Says Election Official on Undercover Video

Anonymous ID: 3dfc66 Nov. 6, 2018, 2:40 p.m. No.3764188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4313

Trans woman sues Dallas jail guards who examined her penis to verify which jail she belonged in



Valerie Jackson, a 32-year-old transgender woman, filed a lawsuit in Texas on Friday alleging that she was sexually harassed and humiliated while incarcerated in the Dallas County jail, according to a report in The Dallas Morning News.


Jackson, who still has a penis, is filing suit because she was housed with male inmates.


The suit names former Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez — now the Democratic nominee for Texas governor — as well as several other county employees.

What are the details?


Authorities arrested Jackson in November 2016 after she reportedly went through airport security with a gun in her purse.


Though a grand jury dropped the weapons charge against Jackson, she was subsequently arrested for reportedly trespassing and interfering with an emergency call, according to the outlet.


The outlet reported that as a result of her alleged treatment at the jail, Jackson “suffered trauma, felt demoralized, anxious, stressed” and experienced “a loss of dignity, and fear.”


Jackson was reportedly placed in the male area of the jail after the guard told her that she had to be protected based on her genitalia.


The suit alleges that during Jackson’s booking, she told authorities that she was female, as she’d legally changed her gender.


When a jail nurse asked about Jackson’s menstrual cycle, it was discovered that Jackson had not fully transitioned and still had a penis.


One of the jail employees reportedly asked Jackson, “Have you had everything done down there?”


Jackson initially lied, according to the outlet, “because she wanted this unnecessary and humiliating harassment to end.”


However, jail employees reportedly took Jackson to another area of the room and instructed her to reveal her genital area.


“We have to protect you,” a jail officer reportedly said. “We can’t put you in with men if you have a vagina.”


Jackson reported that guards demanded that she pull down her pants so they could verify her genitalia before making a determination as to where she belonged.


When it was realized that Jackson had not undergone her full transition — and still had a penis — she was housed with male inmates, and was required to shower with them.


Jackson said that she was sexually harassed, and on two instances, had to face two male inmates who reportedly masturbated in front of her while in the shower.


Jackson’s suit also alleges that a male corrections officer filmed her while she was showering.


Jackson — who is described in the suit as “feminine-appearing” and has breasts — is seeking unspecified damages in connection with the suit, as well as monetary compensation and attorney’s fees.

Anonymous ID: 3dfc66 Nov. 6, 2018, 2:42 p.m. No.3764224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4366 >>4425

Muslim Convert Sinead O’Connor Says She Won’t Spend Time with ‘Disgusting White People’


Recent Muslim convert Sinead O’Connor has said that she will never spend time with “white people” again, calling them “disgusting”.


The Irish singer, who now goes by Shuhada’ Davitt, went on a Twitter rampage against white people, U.S. President Donald Trump, and Christian and Jewish theologians, whom she called “atheists and satanists.”


“I’m terribly sorry,” the artist formerly known as Sinead O’Connor tweeted, “What I’m about to say is something so racist I never thought my soul could ever feel it.


“But truly I never wanna spend time with white people again (if that’s what non-muslims are called). Not for one moment, for any reason. They are disgusting.”


he then appeared to defend references to violence in the Quran by criticising “Christian and Jewish theologians” who are “atheists and satanists actually in practice.”


She added: “BTW if one IS an intelligent theologian and has taken the journey, one would know there is no more talk of ancient violence in the Q’ran as the Tanukh, the Bible or The sodding Mahabarata. And its ALL EQUALLY IRELLEVANT [sic] TO OUR TIMES #ForFuckSake #ReignOfWhiteMANover.”


Ms Davitt also attacked President Donald Trump, saying that Twitter allowed him to “spew… satan filth” on her country.


The 51-year-old feminist, who recently celebrated buying her first hijab, also appeared to reach out to the men in her new faith, urging them to stop “martyring” themselves and that they should leave religious duties to the women.


“NO more martyrs please. Its a STOOOOOOOPID I-FUCKING-DEA. Lads. Sit down and let the females show you how to sing the devil to sleep ; ) ”


The proponent of female Muslim empowerment was previously ordained a priest by breakaway Catholic sect the Irish Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in the 1990s.


She has also been a vocal opponent of the Catholic church, famously ripping in two a picture of Pope John Paul II on camera on Saturday Night Live in 1992.


Breitbart News Network reported last year that the Grammy award-winning songstress told fans in a Facebook post she was suffering from mental illness and claimed to be close to suicidal, and the year before was reported missing by her son before being found safe in a hotel room.

Anonymous ID: 3dfc66 Nov. 6, 2018, 2:45 p.m. No.3764273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4479

Outgoing German Spy Chief Fired for Calling Social Democrats ‘Radical Left’, Security Policy ‘Naive’


Germany’s outgoing intelligence chief has been forced into early retirement over a speech he gave in private denouncing “radical-left forces” in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s coalition.


Hans-Georg Maassen had been set to take up a special advisory role in the interior ministry after left-wing political pressure saw him fired from his role as chief of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) in September.


But on Monday, Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer announced he had retired the veteran civil servant from all offices with immediate effect, asserting Maassen had “crossed a line” with comments made during a farewell speech to intelligence chiefs in October, which was leaked to the German media.


Speaking at a closed-door meeting in Warsaw, the 55-year-old had defended his assessment that there was no real evidence to back claims that right-wing participants in protests in Chemnitz against migrant violence had engaged in “hunts” of people who looked foreign.


Maassen said he had been expelled from office thanks to “radical-left elements” within the Social Democratic Party (SPD), “who from the outset were against forming a coalition” with the CSU and Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU), according to the text of his speech, which was published in the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung.


Asserting that the media “reached new heights” for spreading false news in coverage alleging the existence of far-right, anti-migrant attacks in Chemnitz and a video purporting to show racists “hunting” immigrants — the source of which was an Antifa group — Maassen complained he was subjected to a witch hunt after telling the tabloid Bild that “according to the findings of all relevant security agencies, no such [incidents] took place.”


“In the following week, I made clear to the relevant parliamentary committees that the fight against right-wing extremism does not justify inventing right-wing extremist crimes,” he told colleagues.


Maassen’s dismissal from his role at the BfV was welcomed by his left-wing opponents including SPD general secretary Lars Klingbeil, who said Maassen had “just given yet another indication of his penchant for rightist conspiracy theories.”


However, during his speech in October Maassen had hinted that he could enter politics, stating: “I’m seen in Germany as a critic of idealistic, naive and leftist foreign and security policy. I can imagine a life outside public service, for example in politics or business.”

Anonymous ID: 3dfc66 Nov. 6, 2018, 2:51 p.m. No.3764375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4705



State Dept: US to Impose New Set of Sanctions Against Russia Over Skripal Attack


The United States intends to move forward with imposing additional sanctions against Russia for the attack against Russian double agent Sergei Skripal as required by law, State Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert told Sputnik on Tuesday.


"Today, the Department informed Congress we could not certify that the Russian Federation met the conditions required by the Chemical and Biological Weapons Control and Warfare Elimination Act of 1991," Nauert said. "We intend to proceed in accordance with the terms of the CBW Act, which directs the implementation of additional sanctions."


Nauert added that the State Department is consulting with Congress about the sanctions, as is also required under the law.


The United States has accused Russia of involvement in the March 4 nerve agent attack on Skripal and his daughter Yulia in the English town of Salisbury, a claim repeatedly denied by Moscow.


"The Chemical Biological Weapons Act mandates that the State Department certify to the Congress whether Russia has met conditions required by the law three months after the initial determination of the Skripal case. That initial determination was made August 6, and that takes us to November 6," State Department Deputy Spokesperson Robert Palladino said in a press briefing last week.


The conditions imposed by Washington on Moscow include Russia ceasing its alleged chemical weapons and assuring it will not use them, as well as allowing international inspectors to verify those assurances, according to the State Department.


Palladino also said there is no timeline associated with the State Department’s consultations with Congress on the new wave of sanctions against Russia.


Russian Envoy to the United States Anatoly Antonov said Moscow has seen conflicting information about the types of new US sanctions that could be put in place.


On August 24, the United States announced that it was imposing sanctions on Russia under the Chemical and Biological Weapons Control and Warfare Elimination Act of 1991. The law allows for the termination of foreign assistance and arms sales, denial of US government credit or other financial assistance, prohibitions on exports and a suspension of diplomatic relations, among other possible measures.

Anonymous ID: 3dfc66 Nov. 6, 2018, 2:55 p.m. No.3764446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4705

79,784 Requested Mail-In Ballots Have Not Been Counted in Georgia


When polls opened on Election Day, 79,784 Georgians who requested an absentee, mail-in ballot had not returned their ballot and have not voted early. WhoWhatWhy’s exclusive reporting allows those voters to check the status of their votes while there’s just enough time to still get to the polls.


Among all voters who have been issued a ballot but have not yet voted, 44.1 percent are black, 36.6 percent are white, and 5.4 percent are Asian or Pacific Islander.


Of that total, 2,630 mail-in ballots have been rejected — often for minor technical issues — and the affected voters have not yet been able to cast a new ballot.


It is vitally important to note that not all Georgia counties report their ballot rejection rates to the state. Only 102 of 159 counties have reported any rejections at all as of Monday night, and there is no guarantee that those counties have reported all of the rejections.


The problem of counties rejecting mail-in ballots may be — and almost certainly is — much worse than we know.