Anonymous ID: 41cec4 Nov. 6, 2018, 3:03 p.m. No.3764595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4625 >>4644 >>4673 >>4706 >>4711 >>4714 >>4726 >>4738

For those with discernment, can you feel it in the air?


You can feel it in the air the major spiritual war that kicked off today.


For those that have been in a war zone, just out side the line of engagement, where life is "pursing as usual"…you know the feeling.


It's an energy that you can almost cut with a knife, the feeling that major war has erupted around you. You can't see it, you can't hear it, but you can feel it in every way. It is there, without being there.


Today is that day.


The scripture that Q posted today is the most relevant, the most important. God will give us victory when we turn to Him. America was heading down the abyss, NOT because of the Cabal, the Cabal came to power because we turned from God. Now as we turn back to Him, we will take back power from the Cabal…God will take back the power.


Remember Patriot Anons, every decision we make, every action, will determine if we are given the power for victory, or handed back over to slavery.


Pray, seek His face and we shall have victory, we shall be free…