Anonymous ID: b81b48 Nov. 6, 2018, 3:56 p.m. No.3765518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5613

Landlord Shuts Down AZ Polling Station in Maricopa County Over Foreclosure


A landlord shut down an Arizona polling station today over a foreclosure dispute with the tennents. reported:


A landlord has shut down a polling station in Arizona’s Maricopa County on Monday evening over a foreclosure dispute, according to state officials.


In a video shared to Facebook, Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes detailed the dispute leading to the station being closed on the eve of the midterm election.


“Last night, apparently the landlord locked the door because the facility we were renting from is in foreclosure, which we perfectly unaware of,” said Fontes. “We’re printing new ballots for the voters and we’re also looking at other alternatives. We’re already in communication with the sheriff’s department.”


“We may just go in and forcibly enter so that we can get all our equipment and serve those voters,” he added. CBS News shared a photo of the landlord’s lien notice taped on the front door of a Chandler building, where Gila Precinct residents were lined up to cast their vote.

Anonymous ID: b81b48 Nov. 6, 2018, 3:58 p.m. No.3765555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5574 >>5660 >>6145

JPMorgan Gold-Spoofer Admits "Manipulating Precious Metals Markets" For Years


There was a time when the merest mention of gold manipulation in "reputable" media was enough to have one branded a perpetual conspiracy theorist with a tinfoil farm out back. That was roughly coincident with a time when Libor, FX, mortgage, and bond market manipulation was also considered unthinkable, when High Frequency Traders were believed to "provide liquidity", or when the stock market was said to not be manipulated by the Fed, and when the ever-confused media, always eager to take "complicated" financial concepts at the face value set by a self-serving establishment, never dared to question anything.


That has now changed…


In what may be the first major bullion-bank trader coming clean, a former JPMorgan precious-metals trader admitted he engaged in a six-year spoofing scheme that defrauded investors in gold, silver, platinum, and palladium futures contracts.


John Edmonds, 36, of Brooklyn, New York, pleaded guilty under seal on Oct. 9 in the District of Connecticut to commodities fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, commodities price manipulation, and spoofing. As Justice notes in a statement:


“From approximately 2009 through 2015 John Edmonds engaged in a sophisticated scheme to manipulate the market for precious metals futures contracts for his own gain by placing orders that were never intended to be executed,” said Assistant Attorney General Benczkowski.


“The Criminal Division is committed to prosecuting those who undermine the investing public’s trust in the integrity of our commodities markets through spoofing or any other illegal conduct.”


As we noted previously, inquiring minds are not only asking how is the gold market being manipulated, but are actually providing answers.


FBI Assistant Director in Charge Sweeney. explained that "with his guilty plea, Edmonds admitted he intended to introduce materially false and misleading information into the commodities markets."


“By conspiring with his trading partners to place spoof orders, he blatantly attempted to profit off of an unfair market that he helped create. The FBI will continue to work with our partners to insure financial markets remain a level playing field for all investors."


Edmonds and his fellow precious metals traders at the Bank routinely placed orders for precious metals futures contracts with the intent to cancel those orders before execution (the Spoof Orders), he admitted.


This trading strategy was admittedly intended to inject materially false and misleading liquidity and price information into the precious metals futures contracts markets by placing the Spoof Orders in order to deceive other market participants about the existence of supply and demand.


The Spoof Orders were designed to artificially move the price of precious metals futures contracts in a direction that was favorable to Edmonds and his co-conspirators at the Bank, to the detriment of other market participants.


In pleading guilty, Edmonds admitted that he learned this deceptive trading strategy from more senior traders at the Bank, and he personally deployed this strategy hundreds of times with the knowledge and consent of his immediate supervisors.


Justice describes one such 'spoof' that occurred on October 12, 2012


"Edmonds knowingly executed the scheme and artifice by transmitting and causing to be transmitted to a CME Group server an offer to sell approximately 402 silver futures contracts ("Spoof Order"), with the intent, at the time the offer was entered, to cancel the offer before it could be executed, which fraudulently represented the state of the market, so that Edmonds could purchase approximately 6 silver futures contracts at a below-market price.


Edmond's 'Spoof Order' caused other market participants to react and trade at prices, quantities, and times at which they otherwise would not have traded, but for EDMONDS's Spoof Order."

Anonymous ID: b81b48 Nov. 6, 2018, 4:15 p.m. No.3765925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6145

Judge orders polls to stay open late in heavily Democratic Indiana county


While polls are closed in most of Indiana, Monroe County polls will remain open until 7 p.m. eastern time after a judge’s order, according to the Bloomington-Herald Times.

What are the details?


Monroe Circuit Judge MaryEllen Diekhoff approved the request to extend the voting hours in Monroe County after reports emerged that there were not enough ballots at long lines in polling places.


Couriers are working tirelessly to deliver more ballots to polling sites that have run out in response to the immense turnout.


By 6 p.m., approximately 47,600 voters casted their votes in Monroe County, which constituted a 49 percent voter turnout for the county.


This number greatly surpasses the total number of voters in the 2014 election, according to the outlet.


“We’ve had better than expected voter turnout in Monroe County and this has resulted in some polling locations running out of ballots,” Nicole Browne, Monroe County Clerk, said via email. “It’s a great problem to have and we have couriers running ballots out to the polling sites.”


Monroe County voted heavily Democratic in 2016, and was one of only four Indiana counties to favor Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump.

Anonymous ID: b81b48 Nov. 6, 2018, 4:19 p.m. No.3765993   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Longtime Clinton Aide Philippe Reines: ‘Juanita Broaddrick Is Full Of S**t’


Philippe Reines, a longtime aide to Hillary Clinton who has spent much of his political life working for the Clintons and even protecting Chelsea Clinton, is publicly and forcefully doubting Juanita Broaddrick‘s charges of rape against former President Bill Clinton.


Broaddrick said then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton raped her in a hotel room in 1978. He has denied her allegations.


Broaddrick issued a statement on Reines that she sent to multiple outlets.


“Mr. Reines is nothing more than a bottom dwelling sewer slug,” she said. “His comments are laughable and irrelevant. It’s not my fault that Mr. Reines keeps company with rapists, abusers and victim shamers. If he wants someone to blame, it should definitely be Bill Clinton for attacking and raping me. As for the Starr investigation, what Mr. Reines said is false. Period. He is only trying to salvage Bill and Hillary’s sinking relevance and people aren’t buying it.”


In a wide-ranging interview with National Review podcaster Jamie Weinstein, who previously worked at The Daily Caller, Reines bashed Broaddrick with the force of a hippopotamus. The podcast was released Monday afternoon.


Reines says Broaddrick, a sharply vocal President Trump supporter, seeks the limelight more than she lets on.


Jamie Weinstein: Speaking of Bill Clinton, there was an article today in the New York Times. “No One Wants to Campaign with Bill Clinton Anymore” was the headline. In the age of MeToo, have you re-evaluated how you view Bill Clinton and the Clinton presidency?


Reines reasoned Clinton was impeached. “It’s not like he got off scot-free,” he said.


And then the topic of Broaddrick came up.


Jamie Weinstein: Juanita Broaddrick was never really seriously …


Philippe Reines: Juanita Broaddrick is full of shit. Juanita Broaddrick-


Jamie Weinstein: So you don’t think she’s telling the truth about that?


In so many words, Reines said Broaddrick is lying.


Philippe Reines: I do not think she’s telling the truth. More importantly, [Special Prosecutor] Ken Starr did not think that she was telling the truth. For me, I assume Ken Starr pulled no punches.


Jamie Weinstein: But why do you think there-


Philippe Reines: Ken Starr’s report, or subsequent reports, confirms that he deemed Juanita Broaddrick as a not credible witness, both in terms of his own interview of her, and the inconsistencies between what he heard from her and what she told the FBI.


Jamie Weinstein: Why do you think all-


Philippe Reines: You think Ken Starr would have gone easy on Bill Clinton?