What kind of aircraft produce a strobe effect?
I just witnessed 3 craft flying in different directions
All three seemed as though they were cruising at a high altitude
All three appeared to be flying extremely fast but not outside what I might consider feasible for other planes are capable of.
No sound I could hear.
The only real oddity was the strobe effect.
All 3 had it.
Witnessed a 4th plane that I could hear that had a red light.
Noticed another oddity tonight as well as a couple last night.
I saw something that appeared to be falling.
I thought it was moving away from me.
It was a simple white light.
No flashing, just solid white.
Steady decent.
Nearly exact same brightness as the stars.
As I said, it almost appeared to be falling but it was in the same vicinity as one of the strobe craft.
As the light was falling, the strobe craft seemed to be climbing.
Last night I saw 2 craft that appeared to be flying at extremely high altitude but they were bright orange and large.
They were traveling at a higher rate of speed as well.
I am not saying these are alien craft or anything.
It all just seems odd.
I live an hour from the nearest airport, which happens to be infamous, and another large airport an hour and a half the other direction.
Any ideas?