At our Suburban Polling Station (RED), 6 of 12 voting booths malfunction after a fire started in one of the units, voting was shut down for est. 10 - 30 min. whilst they troubleshot. Fire affect 5 (must have been in a chain).
This happened right before the rush hour voters showed up slowing voting considerably. (TX)
PDop Drop:
I have nothing against Charles Tawil. He gave me $10,000 in a shady room in Tel Aviv, plotted me in a room with two ex Israeli intel guys talking about a program they run that the CIA/FBI is a client of and then didn’t want his money back when I offered. Congress will know why.
>Charles Tawil
moar sauce:
In August, Mr. Papadopoulos accused Mr. Tawil of being an “intelligence officer of a foreign country”. Indeed in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s sentencing recommendation for Mr. Papadopoulous it was noted that “the defendant provided information about $10,000 in cash he received from a foreign national whom he believed was likely an intelligence officer of a foreign country…”