Update on (live) betting odds
Very important election and very close in VA-07. Maybe I like Brat too much for ousting Cantor, but I consider this a bellwether. If we win it, we'll likely win the house.
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed wave possible, brace yourselves.
Glorious to hear. Polls had Kemp +3, glad to see him outperforming.
Baker is a democrat. He goes after POTUS, and in the last debate there was a question of 5 words to describe POTUS. It was a war between him and the democrat to dump more hate on him. Fuck Baker, I voted 3rd party
Nobody called McCuckskull
I did my part, I got dubs.
Some are calling for R according to someone on fox.
Governor Desantis, get it right.
Maybe because putting your reputation on the line for an anomaly is a bad idea. We won, don't worry!