>Why yes….yes it does.
>Patriots control their destiny. They control where this goes and what happens.
>Action….or inaction has consequences. WE CONTROL WHAT HAPPENS OR DOESN'T. HENCE THE NEED TO VOTE!
What a load of cocking bull.
It doesn't matter HOW FUCKING hard we vote, this time they were ready for us with even MOAR cheating. That's the only reason we won 2016…they underestimated the silent majority and failed to compensate with enough cuckery to win…anyone watching Broward county that night WATCHED them…figure out they could NOT skew the numbers as far as they'd need to without being OBVIOUS…
THIS time thanks to NOTHING ever being done about the cheating last time, they were ready for us. And so it goes. No one will ever be punished, no one ever is. But praise jeebus and vote…and meme…that fucker telling us to MEME when we are banned from all platforms…but they did NOTHING about that. Instead of moving to GAB or even making a second account, POTUS stayed on corrupt twatter which WE were all banned from.
I don't even know…but POTUS..is one thing…WTAF Q is…jew know, I cannot even begin to guess.