Anonymous ID: 816852 Nov. 6, 2018, 7:40 p.m. No.3770325   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Oh shit. So this is what happens. They steal some of the election, called out by Trump Admin w proof calls some of the elections as invalid and they then start their shit.


So really things are going as planned for the patriots.. BUT ALSO.. the deep state as it is part of the plan for them to be allowed to cheat to get exposed.


Remember this from last week? Dems saying POTUS would invalidate the results from the election???


Remember the way Dems work? Projection? They say opponent is doing it when it is them?


Trust the Plan anons. We are doing great.. our friends and normies will give us another flogging, but all is okay on our end. Say.. i need another bowl of patriot corn.. shadilay!