I know you know this, but it needs to be ingrained in the way we approach the election tonight👉🏻Repubs took their big hit when so many had to retire & not run for office again. Based on party retirements it looked like Repubs were the dirtiest. However, now comes the pain from indictments which based on the Awan case alone would decimate Dem house member numbers. In 2020 it will be an embarrassment to vote for the party of pedophilla & corruption. I just don’t believe Dems will take the House like FakeNews is predicting. Unfortunately the cheating in my state of TX seems to be especially rampant. Trump knows & he & Sessions will make sure these scum of the earth get the maximum penalty along with our great TX Gov & AG. I am an optimistic about holding House & having a stronger Republican Senate. I may be in the minority though!