Anonymous ID: 1a27be Nov. 6, 2018, 9:44 p.m. No.3773405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3463 >>3649

Some Perspective for Disappointed-By-House Anons



>>3772950 lb

>Cheer up faggots! The "new" Barry's both LOST. No Gillam and no Beeeeto!

So very tasty.

And we did great in the senate, and /ourguy/ Steve King is looking good in Iowa.


Second, remember that SCOTUS will rule on case re: census counting illegals. This will decommission a number of congressional seats–like 7 just for California.


Third, remember how much we're still redpilling normies. Those that live in dem-run districts will continue to suffer under fucked-up dem policies, and will increasingly NOT be helped/bailed out by federal dollars. They will also see lots moar good stuff out of POTUS's admin.


Fourth, I contracted for these Mil patriots in defense many years ago, and they had this ultimate plan in mind way back then. At the time, the main goal was prepping defensive measures–in my case, bioterrorism countermeasures. We were constantly pumped up for challenge after challenge, deadline after deadline, and were up against the same deep state and (((cabal))) financiers then. Sometimes we won, other times not. Frustration and fatigue happened, but the culture was to analyze your missteps and get back to the drawing board asap. As a young person, I was often confused and felt betrayed by the hurry-up-and-wait stuff. But now that I've seen what these guys have accomplished over the years, and all the patience they had to have had to do it, I don't doubt The Plan when we hit these bumps and seeming stalls along the way. Each of us needs to manage his own time-outs from time to time, to get perspective and allow the feelz to pass. But your patriotism will never let you stay mad long. We march on.