Anonymous ID: 59551f Nov. 6, 2018, 9:59 p.m. No.3773771   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This stinks bad of a set up for (((them))). generally 50%+ of pop voting D, with all this winning? with dems having nothing to run on? with the crowds that Potus draws? our own personal experiences of thousands of MAGA friends? calling B.S., Just like the dems did when they rigged 2016 and nearly beat out Trump.


My area/county, almost every single house had a R related sign out front, go to vote and it's all pick up trucks with hard working men and women in line to vote, the MAGA is strong here, and somehow >60% of the vote for my county went D in all races? Not buying that either, sorry.


I hope Q and team are real, because there is going to come a point when the people dont put up with it any more, and the Q movement while great, has definitely angered us more, and pushed up that timeline, I hope judicial, military, or presidential action is coming sooner than later. We are the silent majority, until we no longer can remain sitting idly by. There are millions of true patriots just waiting, hoping the day doesnt have to come, but knowing it inches closer and closer. Evidence exists stuff is definitely happening, or I fear many would have already gone off the reservation. Q serves the people, the people deserve an answer for the midterms being safe.


Call me whatever you want, been here since 2017, im not going anywhere, but the anger im seeing from friends, family, and fellow anons, is uglier tonight than any I've seen. Cant argue with the facts.