Anonymous ID: 0fcd03 Nov. 6, 2018, 10:21 p.m. No.3774245   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Its been a real Beacon of light to know how many Patriots are here.

The last 40yrs of trying to wake people seemed like a hopeless task.


To see the Awakening taking place WW among old & young is a godsend. I will be able to pass with my prayers for our children answered.


To all who whine & shill I say the same thing warriors have probably said for 1000s of years. You dont deserve us.

We are glad you stay at home and do not bleed & die with us on the battlefields because it would taint our glory if you were counted as one of us.


Your fathers didnt fight the World Wars with mine.


You did not stand beside in the Neptunes wrath.


You did not bleed with my child in the sands of the desert


And for that we are glad. We are not cut from the same cloth.

Ours is red white & blue, yours is yellow.

and you nor your children are fit to be buried among us