Anonymous ID: 03e577 Nov. 6, 2018, 11:27 p.m. No.3775539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5636


Lets not forget getting massive amounts of patriot-anons de-platformed for spreading memes with no recourse.


getting many of us so engaged in thinking we are making a difference that we neglect our real-life families, causing many of us to now have to spend months repairing (and never getting that time back)


In some cases, causing anons to get themselves into positions professionally that necessitates not only a job move, but depending on the size of the city and professional community they happen to inhabit in that city, possibly even a geographic move.


enough is enough.


11/11 or lose most of us.

Anonymous ID: 03e577 Nov. 6, 2018, 11:43 p.m. No.3775814   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The electronic voting machines in KC-K - Yoders district - did not show ANY republican's on the first screen. You had to scroll to the bottom and 'find' the godamn 'next page' button - which was barely visible.


Had I not told my wife exactly who to look for and for which offices, she'd probably just said fuck it and written in mickey mouse.


The paper ballots (which I requested) had no Republican's listed running for any but the House and Governor races.


So I can't say I'm surprised - but I am certainly beyond disappointed.


I did however look up each one of the judges retentionship and voted 'no' on any appointed by Dem governors. (Mostly Sebelius)


BUt I agree, I was pretty surprised Kobach lost. I STRONGLY suspect fuckery there - remember, Kobach ran the voter fraud committee - and also remember, Ks refused to provide voting data to the committee.


He was 'eliminated'

Anonymous ID: 03e577 Nov. 6, 2018, 11:46 p.m. No.3775869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5895 >>5901 >>5911 >>5955 >>5957 >>5959 >>6007 >>6015 >>6023 >>6032 >>6038 >>6082

You fuckers calling anybody expressing anger and frustration as 'shills' use some fucking discernment and logic YOURSELVES.


The level of detail in what the vast majority are speaking their mind about is far too deep to be a shill - that is, unless you really believe the shills suddenly drastically upped their game, boned up, and read nearly every bread for the past year.


They're legitimate anons and their frustrations, concerns and anger are legitimate. it is YOU that are being the divisionfag by outright dismissing them - very leftist, very 'democratic' calling those that disagree with you bots.



Anonymous ID: 03e577 Nov. 6, 2018, 11:53 p.m. No.3775986   🗄️.is 🔗kun


switched tactics to calling everyone shills and divison fags probably. It's the most effective thing they 'could' do right now.


There is a MASSIVE mismanagement of expectations recently which clearly means 'every detail' was not planned for or foreseen.


And the silence on the many frustrations is deafening (or would be if we weren't being called bots).


Seriously, I feel like I'm on fucking twatter here, seeing all the NPC-esque responses to very legitimate anger.