You gonna cap it now you faggots?
You are free to leave then, aren't you?
Why are you sticking around?
If you feared indictment & that fear has lifted, make tracks, Fucko!
If all that you wrote soothes you, fuck off then!!\
WTF you waiting for, you've been a doubting Thomas for awhile as it were collecting old posts to throw down at a moment you think most suitable to make your point, right?
I recognize all that shillotry from months of watching you, jew.
You're fucked, you know it , I know it. So just leave you cockholster before I really copypasta what you've done here.
Remember Anons, that the shill factory in tel Aviv must have cancelled all time off for this special day & some shekel hoarders are prolly on meth to work triple shift today, there just can't be so many Anons abandoning ship & concernfagging at the volume we're experiencing.
Declas brings the house down, then the indictments start decimating the Cabal Israeli First dual citizen traitors in govt.
Hold the fukken line..