We lost big time, game ogre.
Yeah if he held off on the fisa release, that was the dumbest fucking thing on earth to do.
They wont give 2 fucks about the fucking FISA release now, the dems in the house and media will cover it up. Fuck Sessions, Fuck Rosennose, Fuck Q.
There was no plan, Q is a fucking lying fake fraud.
Its over faggots, Q is proven to be a liar now. Its over.
I voted for Trump you cock smuggler, but Q is a fucking liar.
I agree it was a fun ride and a suspenseful movie, but that's all it was, a movie and a ride.
The republicans allowed them to get away with everything. What happened to the las vegas investigation?, where did the campos guy go, where was the Iran investigation or the funding of isis through usaid?. The neoncons fucked us all because they are comped hard. Q is a larping faggot.
Of course they wont put it towards the wall, now we are one step closer to a global Marxist government. The end result is they want your shit and they want us all in boxes with no land or resources of our own.
The people that love jesus would probably be the only ones fighting the Chinese.