Not without the House.
It's the sad truth.
Potus can declas it all but he didn't. Now we are fucked for 2 more yrs.
Stop being brainwashed and use your logic. How many bills can be passed without the House? How much funding can you get for anything without the House? Don't you realize what they plan to do to Potus now? Are you being deliberately obtuse about this?
You just now learning that?
oh yeah, after 2 yrs they are just eating each other up. SMDH
Go ahead and enjoy your comfyness while the country gets torn apart by the Dems in control of the House.
Well, I guess the House really got cleaned out from corruption in 2019 didn't it???
No such rules exists that I know of anon. House and Senate are very separate.
Also, McConnell is suppose to appt Lindsay Graham. But far as I know Warner and Burr are still on the Cmte.
White genocide is very real in this country. Tonight should prove to anons they are way too complacent in trusting everything here. Last 2 yrs will be a cake walk compared to the next 2 yrs. Feel threatened to show support for Potus? That's only going to get worse.
So if the House is no longer needed, what was all that stuff about Sessions going to Congress to become "informed" about RR?
Any bills MUST pass thru the House.
If he could allow the ACoE to build the wall, it would have already been done. SMH
We are at zero everything except more divided than ever.
We lost so much more than that, anon. And Q's drops tonight allude that this past year was nothing but misleading.
The movement was spectacular. Seeing the emotion and excitement from all those patriots at Trump's rallies is something I won't soon forget. Hard to believe we lost the House. It just doesn't square.
As for Q, if that's all this is about, then it was the best psyop of all time.
Impeachment is first on tap. Already been promised.
You stupidity is showing faggot. Learn the difference between impeachment and prosecution for the impeachment. You claim to be so smart when you are nothing but a troll.
You're wasting your "breathe". I've said it over and over again tonight, but some sheep don't want to believe just how bad tonight's loss is. They will learn soon enough.
The House can impeach Trump for any reason they want. How many times have we talked about this? It takes 2/3 Senate to remove him. But he can still be impeached and tied up in legal proceedings for 2 yrs.
They don't need legal grounds to impeach