I dunno about "anachronisms", but the acronyms are:
Not next week. They first need to establish the predicate for the arrests. It will not come as a surprise. If POTUS did that he would look like a tyrant.
Maybe 20% are legit patriots who haven't closely examined exactly who was replaced by whom. It'll take a few days for it to sink in.
After the corrupt Democrats who are steering their ship are removed (possibly very soon) then will what's left really be so bad?
>And Q's drops tonight allude that this past year was nothing but misleading.
What the hell are you talking about?
I think a lot is going to happen over the next 7 weeks. There is no longer any reason to hold back.
It really should have been a lot worse. Historically, the party in the Whitehouse gets shellacked in the midterms.
#walkway, #blexit, etc prevented that.
>Without the house, we're pretty much fucked with bills
That's not the immediately important part. The priority to cleaning out the corruption in government. Once the corrupt Dems are gone we will likely be able to find enough reasonable members of those left to get bills to MAGA passed.
KEK! What's that matter? Concern shilling not getting any traction?