Anonymous ID: 4776b5 Nov. 7, 2018, 3:50 a.m. No.3778325   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Life is strange is it not?

You wake up everyday not knowing what’s in store.

You go to sleep only to journey yet again.

Our universe is so vast and yet it is so detailed.

Everything has a story, including you.

You may not be the first person to exist.

You definitely won’t be the last.

But you are the only you that exists.

You’re unique from everyone else in your own special way.

Life is a journey.

You will hit many bumps along the way.

But you’ll keep moving on.

As cheesy as it sounds its not the destination that matters, it’s the journey.

That’s what makes life so wonderful.

The good and the bad moments we go through.

The people we meet.

The places we go.

And the goals we accomplish.

It shows how incredible we can be and what we can do if we keep pushing on.

So life may be strange but it’s also very beautiful and you are a part of it.

Keep pushing on.

And smile for all of the universe to see!