We needed a decisive victory and we did not get one. After the Kavanaugh b.s., the leftist calls for violence, obstruction and the impeach Trump agenda, the democrats needed to learn a lesson by getting exterminated at the polls. They didn't. The party of Pelosi, Schumer and Waters now has more power than they did before the election. This is not a victory.
They now control the house committees and can investigate all day long and make POTUS life hell. They all know what is in the DECLAS and it didn't change their behavior at all so I don't see how it's going to change anything.
No way we're getting the birthright citizenship bill passed now.
No way Obamacare gets wiped out now.
The fact that so many were willing to vote for the treasonous dems tells me this country is far more lost than I thought and is still headed down a very dangerous path. They should't have been able to flip any seats given their horrible behavior but they did.