Anonymous ID: 7f1a61 Nov. 7, 2018, 3:32 a.m. No.3778145   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Evers 'won' with a vote difference of 31,061 votes. That is a margin of victory of only 1.186629039079181%.


Walker will ask for a recount. That margin of victory is too close for a state where Milwaukee and Madison are so crooked, that they have to screw the ballots into the machines.


Many people are not real happy about the Foxxconn deal. Economic boom, yes, jobs, yes. But Walker handed out enough tax incentives to piss off some conservative voters. The other biggie was some of the environmental regs he rolled back for the deal. Wisconsinites [esp. conservatives] are protective of the environment like a mama grizzly bear is of her cubs.


Plus, Evers is deeply entrenched in the Wisconsin Blue machine which, even after eight years of Walker, still has considerable power and control in the precincts with the highest number of voters.


So yeah….Evers had to steal it. But Walker did some dumb stuff too.


As a last point. I can't stand Walker, the guy is a slippery weasel of the highest order. He only became a Trump supporter when his political career depended on it. He and Ryan are buddies and we know what Ryan thinks of DJT.