Anonymous ID: d0590b Nov. 7, 2018, 3:43 a.m. No.3778256   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ellison did not explain why his attendance at the dinner remained a secret for five years. He did not return a request from TheDC inquiring whether the Obama administration was aware that he was, as Ellison says, meeting with the Iranian president about their nuclear program.


Ellison did not explain why his attendance at the dinner Iran President and Farrakhan & private meeting with Farrakhan remained A SECRET FOR 5 YEARS???*


Ellison did not return a request from TheDC inquiring whether the Obama administration was aware that he was, as Ellison says, meeting with the Iranian president about their nuclear program…..IRAN's NUCLEAR PROGRAM!!!!


Iranians chant Death to Israel, Death to America in Jerusalem Day rallies

Jun 8, 2018 - Thousands of Iranians take part in annual Jerusalem Day demonstrations, burning Israeli flag and calling for Israel and US's death;,7340,L-5281868,00.html


Iran pushes app with 'Death to America' emoji - BBC News

Apr 25, 2018 - Iran is promoting a domestically-produced mobile messaging app, complete … and placards wishing death to Israel, America


Notorious Antisemite Louis Farrakhan Leads ‘Death to America’ Chant on Solidarity Trip to Iran~11/04/2018


During the cold war, if we had a congressman secretly meeting with the Russian President and another figure considered an Aid to Russia…how would we have perceived this type of transaction? No difference.


Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason

Anonymous ID: d0590b Nov. 7, 2018, 3:51 a.m. No.3778331   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Keith Ellison Attended Private Dinner With Iran’s President and Louis Farrakhan

New report reveals the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee attended a private dinner in 2013 with Hassan Rouhani and the Nation of Islam leader who has long been accused of anti-Semitism.


The deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, was among three Democratic congressmen who attended a private dinner in 2013 with Iranian president Hassan Rohani.

Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader who has long been accused of anti-Semitism and whom Ellison had previously denounced, was also in attendance.

Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress, did not hold his DNC position at the time but was a sitting member of Congress, as were Democratic Reps. Andre Carson of Indiana and Gregory Meeks of New York, who also attended.

Ellison’s first congressional campaign in 2006 was nearly derailed when it was revealed that he had once written newspaper op-eds praising Farrakhan and worked for him for 18 months leading up to the minister’s 1995 Million Man March. He subsequently wrote a letter to the local Jewish community claiming, “I reject and condemn the anti-Semitic statements and actions of the Nation of Islam [and] Louis Farrakhan.”

When the accusations reemerged during Ellison’s campaign for DNC leadership in 2016, he released another statement condemning Farrakhan’s “hatred and division, including, anti-Semitism, homophobia and a chauvinistic model of manhood. I disavowed them long ago, condemned their views, and apologized.”


Farrakhan later claimed that Ellison and Carson had met with him in 2015.

Rohani was the newly-elected president of Iran in 2013 when he held the dinner in New York. While Rohani has attempted to strike a moderate tone to Western audiences, the country’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has continued to call for the destruction of Israel. Iran’s government, which supports terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, is considered by the U.S. State Department to be the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.

The dinner, arranged by Iranian diplomats to coincide with Rohani’s visit to New York to speak at the United Nations, was publicized on Nation of Islam websites at the time but went unnoticed until it was unearthed in a Wall Street Journal op-ed on Thursday. Ellison’s office did not respond to op-ed writer Jeryl Bier’s request for comment.


Farrakhan was re-inserted into the news last month after it was revealed that he had been photographed with then-Sen. Barack Obama at a Congressional Black Caucus event in 2005, but that the photographer had suppressed the photo in order to avoid harming Obama’s political future. Obama has repeatedly condemned Farrakhan for his anti-Semitism.

In this Dec. 2, 2016, file photo, Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison listens during a forum on the future of the Democratic Party in Denver

Anonymous ID: d0590b Nov. 7, 2018, 3:58 a.m. No.3778393   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rep. Keith Ellison attended meetings with Louis Farrakhan.

Farrakhan is a noted anti-Semite.

Despite protests, Ellison has maintained a relationship with Farrakhan.

Democratic Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, has attended multiple meetings with Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan while in Congress, The Daily Caller has learned.

Ellison’s past ties to Farrakhan are well known: he admitted to The Washington Post during his first congressional campaign in 2006 that he worked with the Nation of Islam for approximately 18 months ahead of Farrakhan’s 1995 Million Man March. Since he ran for Congress, Ellison has repeatedly promised the public that he left Farrakhan in the past.

But Ellison’s associations with Farrakhan continued even as he served in Congress, TheDC has found.

Ellison attended at least three meetings where Farrakhan was present — including a private visit to Farrakhan’s hotel room — according to photos and videos reviewed by TheDC and Farrakhan’s own statements.

Ellison has publicly responded to questions about one of those meetings — a private dinner for American Muslim leaders hosted by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in 2013 revealed by the Wall Street Journal on Friday — but his office declined to return a phone call and multiple emails from TheDC regarding the other two meetings.


TheDC reached out to Ellison’s spokesman, Karthik Ganapaphy, to solicit Ellison’s explanation for the event and give the congressman the opportunity to put the meeting in context. He ignored the request, as Ellison’s office has done for all of TheDC’s inquiries about Farrakhan.


Ellison’s op-ed was “deceitful,” Farrakhan said in an interview posted to his Facebook page, in part because he and Democratic Indiana Rep. Andre Carson had only recently paid Farrakhan a friendly visit.

“Both of them, when I was in Washington, visited my suite and we sat down talking like you and I are talking,” Farrakhan told his interviewer, a Nation of Islam videographer. Farrakhan blamed “Jewish control” of politics and media for Ellison’s distancing from the Nation of Islam.

TheDC reached out to both Carson and Ellison’s offices to give them the opportunity to deny Farrakhan’s account of the meeting, which neither of them did.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani hosted both Ellison and Farrakhan for a 2013 dinner, following Rouhani’s address to the United Nations. Rep. Carson and Democratic New York Rep. Gregory Meeks both attended the dinner as well. Photos reviewed by TheDC show Ellison sitting at Rouhani’s dinner with a name card in front of him.


Ellison released a statement on Tuesday and claimed that he did not know who was going to be in attendance. Ellison’s statement didn’t address whether he spoke with Farrakhan at the dinner. In fact, it didn’t mention Farrakhan once:

As part of the 2013 U.N. General Assembly, and as negotiations were under way for what would become the Iran deal, I attended a meeting with President Rouhani and nearly 50 American Muslim leaders. This was not a private dinner, I didn’t know in advance who else would be there, and my decision to attend was not an endorsement of the political views of other attendees.

I attended the meeting to advocate for a peaceful resolution to the Iranian nuclear issue and to press President Rouhani face-to-face for the release of former U.S. Marine Amir Hekmati, who was illegally detained and tortured by the Iranian regime. As always, I disavow anti-Semitism and bigotry in all of its forms.

Ellison did not explain why his attendance at the dinner remained a secret for five years. He did not return a request from TheDC inquiring whether the Obama administration was aware that he was, as Ellison says, meeting with the Iranian president about their nuclear program.

The Nation of Islam teaches that black people are inherently superior to white people and is widely acknowledged as a racist, anti-Semitic organization. Farrakhan, who became the group’s leader shortly after its founder Elijah Muhammed died in 1975, has unapologetically spouted racism and anti-Semitism for decades. He is on record praising Hitler as a “very great man,” saying white people “deserve to die” and blaming Jews for everything from the Holocaust to the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Ellison’s ties to the Nation of Islam go back decades.

Ellison admitted to working with the Nation of Islam for roughly 18 months before the 1995 march, but even that admission appears to be incomplete. Ellison was still known as a Nation of Islam supporter in 1998 when he ran for state legislature.

In a 1998 article reviewed by TheDC, the Minnesota Star Tribune described Ellison then as “well-known in the black community as the former head of the Legal Rights Center and a supporter of Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.”