How much longer are you going to be here lurking like a faggot with your shitposts.
Can you read this?
Military funds the wall,
EO stop the illegals, and migrants
RED wave was huge!
FISA DECLAS brings the house down.
If you're scared go to church!
all the information you need is at the top of teh page!
You can really notice how the NPC's need basic explanation on house and senate procedures. They cant figure it out themselves, they need a programmer.
Shills were fucking fantastic tonight though, I got my kills in. Dead shills everywhere!
That would cause the dems to pull the hatch act out of their ass. Now POTUS can declas without the dems crying Hatch Act. They were concerned with the senate not the house. The senate is more important!
Q doesn't control elections, never did.