>NSA has no authority with Federal gov….just a bunch of contractors playing games
information fuckwit. we have what we always had - information. most valuable fucking commodity anywhere. especially when the enemy lacks it.
>NSA has no authority with Federal gov….just a bunch of contractors playing games
information fuckwit. we have what we always had - information. most valuable fucking commodity anywhere. especially when the enemy lacks it.
>Perhaps how they start to behave once you show em their FILES?
and i wonder who has files on all the ex cia / ex military. MI perhaps?
>house speaker nutty pelosi will be running the shitshow.
think anons.
house investigatory power means NOTHING without the senate.
power is around setting the agenda in the house. primarily Power of the Purse.
2019 is already funded.
does anyone believe that the Dims are stupid enough to shut down the government in a presidential election year?
this anon hopes they are that stupid.
while continuing the stream of confirmations of conservative judges is often noted as one of the benefits of the expanding senate majority there is another plus here. prior to the vote the rumor mill was on overdrive predicting major shake up to the cabinet. now msm spins that as chaos in the WH. but, consider the fragile nature of the senate vote until now. how much has that impacted POTUS' ability to appoint the best candidates for our agenda?
sessions v. rosenstein.
what will the retooled cabinet look like?