>>3777656 (lb)
Amen brother. GOD bless you.
The Last Waltz - for (((them)))
You aren't very clever and it shows.
And United is Capitalized!
Thank you anon. I'm energized to revisit some old crumbs. Awesome work!
GOD bless you. Can you feel the love here today?
We're only getting started. We've another 6 years to go buddy. Grab a soy latte, stick on your pussy hat and get comfy with us.
I doubt it.
Dude it's highlighted in a red box!
Quads would imply truth.
Yes and there is still much left undiscovered. Crumbs are dropped on the net for us deliberately at times. All it takes is a sharp eye to catch it. Get digging!
GOD bless you too fren. They can not divide us. We get stronger when they think we get weaker. We get more determined with every shill shitpost. They haven't got a chance!
United execs in the sealed indictments?